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How to upload files on Google Drive - Knowledgebase / Google Drive - Vocosa IT Helpdesk

How to upload files on Google Drive

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How to upload files to Google Drive

Using Web Browser:

Open Google Drive:

Open your web browser and navigate to Google Drive. Google Drive

Sign in with your Google account if you're not already signed in.

Navigate to Desired Folder:

If you want to upload files to a specific folder, navigate to that folder by clicking on its name in the left sidebar.

Click "New":

Click on the "New" button in the top left corner of the Google Drive interface.

Select "File upload" or "Folder upload":

Choose "File upload" if you want to upload individual files, or "Folder upload" if you want to upload an entire folder and its contents.

Choose Files or Folder:

In the file explorer window that appears, navigate to the file(s) or folder you want to upload.

Select the file(s) or folder and click "Open" (or "Choose" on macOS) to start the upload process.

Wait for Upload to Complete:

Depending on the size of the file(s) or folder, it may take some time to upload.

You'll see a progress indicator as the upload progresses.

View Uploaded Files:

Once the upload is complete, you'll see the uploaded file(s) or folder in your Google Drive interface.

You can now organize, share, or edit the uploaded files as needed.

Using Google Drive File Stream:

Launch Google Drive File Stream from your computer's applications or programs menu.

Sign in with your Google account credentials.

Locate Google Drive Folder:

Once Google Drive File Stream is running, you'll see a new drive letter (Windows) or volume (macOS) on your computer.

Navigate to the Google Drive folder in your file explorer (Windows) or Finder (macOS).

Drag and Drop Files or Folders:

To upload files or folders, simply drag and drop them into the Google Drive folder in your file explorer or Finder window.

Wait for Sync:

Google Drive File Stream will automatically sync the uploaded files or folders to your Google Drive account.

You may see a small sync icon indicating that files are being uploaded.

View Uploaded Files:

Once the sync is complete, you'll see the uploaded files or folders in your Google Drive interface, accessible from both the web browser and Google Drive File Stream.

Contact IT Support: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, contact your IT support team for further assistance. They may need to perform additional troubleshooting or repairs to resolve the problem.